Friday, January 21, 2011

Sew much fun!

I've finally had some time lately to start sewing again. I really do love it but it can be time consuming and frustrating!!! Thankfully my Mom is SUPER talented and my in-laws gave me a GREAT sewing machine which makes things much easier! So last year I watched Martha Stewart every day...I know she's crazy but I learned so much! Anyways, she made these adorable washcloth puppets and I decided to try it out. Since then I've made both the puppy and pig that she has on the website. Baby Emory has the puppy and my Mayzie loves the pig. SO I decided to try it again but without Martha's pattern because she doesn't have one for a turkey (and I mean who doesn't want a turkey washcloth puppet?!) I wasn't as successful as I would have hoped but had fun doing it and excited to give it to baby Dudak!!! :) BTW this is really easy and requires a hand towel and felt...that's it! The pattern's on Martha's website (yup...first name basis...).

Since I was getting the hang of it again I wanted to try to make some clothes for Mayzie. A jumper seemed pretty simple and I had seen them done in some specialty shops and they were super cute. So I hopped down to Hobby Lobby and found some fun fabric and ran over to JoAnne's and found a pattern and got to work (with Mom's help of course!) She helped me with the first (the brown and pink one) but I did the second one on my own. I'm hoping to get her monogram in hot pink on the green one! It was pretty easy so I think I'm gonna make some more with some cuter fabric sometime soon!!

Mommy's little model! :)

And on a random note I took some pretty cute pictures of Mayzie today :) She's wearing a t-shirt that my sweet friends got her on our annual girls trip that I didn't get to go on this year. I'm so blessed to have such wonderful friends!!! Mayzie says thank you!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Crazy for Carrots!

Our Mayzie McClain had a very exciting day of firsts!!! She started getting up on all fours and scooting...backwards. Ha! She's very slow but so stinkin cute!!! I got a video of her trying today:

And in other important firsts...we tried carrots for the first time tonight. I thought things were going great at first...see below:

So as you can see things started off well. Then she decided they weren't as good as the sweet potatoes she had the week before and changed her mind. Carrots are now on the 'no thanks mom' list. I'm hoping she will like them better tomorrow? I've already got a freezer full so she's gonna have to get used to them!!! Here's the video I got as she started to change her mind:

By the end (after I stopped shoving them down) she was happy again! I love this precious girl!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

An exciting week!

I realize that I'm probably "supposed" to have an entry about each of these events but I can't seem to keep up with that so a weekly update will have to do! And boy was it a week! We tried real food for the first time and she LOVED it! Mom and Dad gave me a Beaba cook baby food maker for Christmas so I flash steamed and pureed a sweet potato. I'm hoping to upload a video of her eating it somehow on here (once I figure it out) btw thanks for the Flip video MayJay and Pops! Anyways...carrots are next week and hopefully I'll have some video of that too!

We also got to meet sweet Max for the first time! We were so glad to get to see Megan and Sean. Every time they leave we wish they lived closer. Can't wait till Mayzie and Max can run around and play together!! Aren't they just so cute!?!

On Monday we took our annual trip over the Castle's for the National Championship. Ok so we've only done it for two years but we're hoping for it to be an annual event. Last year I was pregnant and this year we had two babies and one on the way! We were all talking about how much fun next year will be when they can all run around together and interrupt the guys' intense game time. :) Oh and I guess I forgot to mention how excited we were that AUBURN WON! Yes I am a Tennessee fan but it's fun to root for my hubby's team...especially when they have an undefeated season!

And finally...SNOW! We've had such a fun week in all this snow!! It's kept Owen here more (which I always love) and it's just so pretty!! We took Mayzie out in her snowsuit the first night we had some and took her on her first sledding adventure. Well, it was actually just a quick slide down into what we call the PIT next to our house. I'm still not too sure if she enjoyed it but she didn't cry so I guess it was ok! I'm sure next year she will LOVE it!

Sledding with Daddy! We LOVE snow days!!!
With all this excitement last week I forgot to let anyone know that I actually have a blog now so hopefully if I get some followers I will be better about posts! Until next time...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

new year's resolutions

So I finally gave in and decided to give this blogging thing a go. After an elightening lunch with some of my favorite former co-workers I made "being a blogger" one of my New Year's Resolutions. I had hesitated on doing this for so long for several important one being that I am NOT a writer and tend to ramble (so you may want to stop reading now and just look at the pictures). Also because I don't have the computer skills like my hubby and have been working on setting up this crazy thing for like a week now...and I still don't like how it looks! I really wanted to start this when our sweet Mayzie was born but needless to say the first 3 months of her life consisted of me rocking, feeding and praying that things would get better and by the time they did it was the holidays and well here we are. Our precious baby girl is already 5 months old and we think she is the most brilliant and beautiful baby in the whole world. Here's my quick summary for up until now:

As I said before the first 3 months were pretty rough. Mayzie didn't like to sleep unless she was in one of our arms, which we now know was causing a lack of good quality sleep which in turn caused one very fussy baby most of the time. See below:

This was our life for a while. For real...

Things started to look up for us past 6 weeks...this was taken around that time. Uncle Evan got to meet her for the first time here and she was starting to get a lot better!

Around three months we went on our annual famliy trip to Gatlinburg and had a great time. Things were really starting to look up at this point...

Our class at church was in charge of Trunk or Treat this year and since things were getting so much better we decided that we would reward her by dressing her up as something so cute we could just EAT HER UP! (I know right? but she looked so darn adorable we couldn't help it!) We LOVE lobster!

By four months and one horrible week of sleep training later we were loving life. Our baby girl was happy and when she cried we knew she was either hungry or tired. She started smiling and recognizing us (which is the BEST!) and giving me an occasional 'sleep through the night' which I thought would NEVER happen!

December was a fabulous month for us! Mayzie was sleeping well and happy as could be!
We got to meet Santa at Cookies with Santa at church!

Then her sweet new friend Emory was born!
She had her first snow...

Yum!! Loving that cereal!

And then got to celebrate the best Christmas the Slaughter's have had to date!

Now that it's almost midnight...ha...I'm finally done with this ridiculously long post. Hopefully from here on out things will be much shorter! New Year's goal number one CHECK!